Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Curriculum

A Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics curriculum focuses on the science of food, nutrition, and its impact on health. It includes courses on human nutrition, diet planning, food science, and the management of diet-related diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Students also learn about clinical nutrition, food safety, public health nutrition, and community wellness. The program emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing graduates to work as nutritionists or dietitians in healthcare settings, wellness programs, and public health initiatives.

Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Curriculum

Code NumberCodeModuleCredit Hours
1N01-101Anatomy and Physiology I4 hrs
2N02-102Health Education and Promotion3 hrs
3N03-103Introduction to Nutrition4 hrs
4N04-104Primary Health Care3 hrs
5N05-105Medical Terminology I2 hrs
Total for Module One16 hrs
6N06-106Diet Therapy4 hrs
7N07-107Severe Acute & Moderate Acute Malnutrition4 hrs
8N08-108Anatomy and Physiology II2 hrs
9N09-109Medical Terminology II2 hrs
10N10-110Nutritional Assessment3 hrs
Total for Module Two16 hrs
11N11-111Nutritional Epidemiology3 hrs
12N12-112Communicable Disease Control I2 hrs
13N13-113Pharmacology & Drug Calculation4 hrs
14N14-114Food Security4 hrs
15N14-115Infant Young Child Feeding (IYCF)3 hrs
Total for Module Three16 hrs
16N16-116Food Legislation3 hrs
17N17-117Demography & Population Studies4 hrs
18N18-118Food Production3 hrs
19N19-119Nutritional Deficiencies & Related Diseases3 hrs
20N20-120Communicable Disease II2 hrs
Total for Module Four15 hrs
21N21-121Community Health II2 hrs
22N22-122Food Processing2 hrs
23N23-123Food Safety and Hygiene3 hrs
24N24-124Principles of Food Microbiology3 hrs
25N25-125Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)2 hrs
Total for Module Five12 hrs
Grand Total25 Subjects, 83 Credit Hours

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Slow Diploma

per month

Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba $25

Speedy Diploma

per month

Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba $50

Express Diploma

per month

Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba $100

One Time Payments

per year

Halmar Iska wada Bixi $300

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