Diploma in Midwifery Curriculum

A Diploma in Midwifery curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to support women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It typically includes courses on anatomy and physiology, maternal and neonatal health, clinical practice, emergency procedures, and communication. The program also covers topics like family planning, ethical considerations, and community health, preparing graduates to work in a variety of healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and homebirth environments.

Diploma in Midwifery Curriculum

Code NumberModulesCredit Hours
MIDWF1-101Fundamentals of Midwifery3 hrs
MIDWF2-102Anatomy & Physiology I3 hrs
MIDWF3-103Medical Terminology I2 hrs
MIDWF4-104Obstetrics and Gynecology4 hrs
MIDWF5-105Ethics for Midwifery3 hrs
Total15 hrs
MIDWF6-106Antenatal & Postnatal Care3 hrs
MIDWF7-107Obstetrics & Gynecology II4 hrs
MIDWF8-108Maternal and Infant Nutrition3 hrs
MIDWF9-109Pharmacology for Midwife2 hrs
Total12 hrs
MIDWF10-110Reproductive Health4 hrs
MIDWF11-111Immunization4 hrs
MIDWF12-112Immunization4 hrs
MIDWF13-113Primary Health Care2 hrs
Total14 hrs
MIDWF14-114Normal Labor3 hrs
MIDWF15-115Sociology3 hrs
MIDWF16-116Psychology4 hrs
MIDWF17-117Management of Common Maternal and Infant Infections2 hrs
Total12 hrs
MIDWF18-118Basic Embryology2 hrs
MIDWF19-119Immediate Care of Newborn2 hrs
MIDWF20-120Mother-Child Health Care (M.C.H)2 hrs
MIDWF21-121Communicable Disease Control I2 hrs
Total8 hrs
MIDWF21-122Communicable Disease Control II2 hrs
MIDWF21-123Maternal Health Assessment2 hrs
MIDWF21-124Common Maternal and Infant Infections & Management2 hrs
MIDWF21-125Community Health2 hrs
Internship Practicum8 hrs
Total Credit Hours66 hrs

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Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba

per month

Speedy Diploma Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba

per month

Express Diploma Waxaad bixinaysaa bilwalba

per month

One Time Payments Halmar iska wada bixi $200

per year for 2 total payments

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